Template Set Values

Login with DocuSign

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This example shows how a DocuSign customer can login and send a basic envelope.
Then sign the envelope with an embedded signing ceremony.
A template is used to create the envelope. The template includes checkboxes, radio buttons, and text fields. Metadata is added for the envelope object. The signer is updated to be an embedded signer. A specific, default value for the radio buttons is set. DocuSign recommends using a template when you can. The DocuSign webapp is used to create and manage templates. It's easier to make changes via the webapp than to update an API application.

If the signer does not have a DocuSign account, then either use a PowerForm, or JWT authentication with a server-based application. This example uses Implicit Grant authentication and CORS. Therefore the user must have their own login with a DocuSign account.


You can adjust the height of the sections.